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Health Lifestyle Music Traveling

5 ways to keep your eyes healthy during Festival season

Festival season is in full effect! These experiences can be such a blast but you’ve got to remember to keep your eyes healthy and protected to have the best experience. Here are some tips on how to keep your eyes healthy during festival weekend:

1. Wear Sunglasses

A lot of festivals tend to start when the suns out. Wearing sunglasses is key for festival weekend. Sunglasses will not only help protect your eyes from the sun, but also help protect from wind and the dust that can come from it!

2. Bring Artificial Tears

Artificial tears can be your best friend during festival weekend. Whatever the weather might be, its important to always keep your eyes hydrated. Hot and windy climates can decrease the moisture in your eyes. Artificial tears will help increase the moisture in your eyes and gives instant relief.  Try to stay away from drops that say “get the red out” as those can actually make the eyes more dry.

3.  Eye Wipes

Using eye wipes can be very beneficial when trying manage dry, red or even itchy eyes. Minting good eyelid hygiene is can be very helpful in alleviating uncomfortable symptoms. Eye wipes are great for on the go are super convenient when your need a quick, delicate cleaning product.  Not only that it can help wipe off the festival glitter and glam with out irritating the eyes.

4.  Hat

Throwing on a pair of sunglasses and a hat make your festival outfit extra fashionable. Additionally, having a hat on provides shade and can help prevent sun exposure on your face and especially around the eyes. Skin around the eyes is one of the most sensitive parts of our body so lets protect it.

5.  Eye Cream

We can’t forget the skin care! Being in hot dry climates can cause dry skin especially around the eyes. Having an eye cream on hand can provide immediate hydration around the eyes. Additionally, having an eye cream with SPF can ensure extra protection from the sun and prevent skin damage and wrinkles.


Your eyes are important! Using these tips during festival weekend will ensure a great and clear experience!